Fox Crossing, Maine
December 2021
On Sale: November 30, 2021
Featuring: Lillian Smith
256 pages ISBN: 1496728114 EAN: 9781496728111 Kindle: B08Y63XPHZ Trade Size / e-Book
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Mystery Pet Lovers
YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE CRAZY TO LIVE HERE Most people think The Fox is just a folk tale, designed to lure tourists to their quiet little town on the Appalachian Trail. But kindergarten teacher Lillian Smith is hoping the stories of the white-earred, white-pawed vixen—who brings luck and love to those who see her—are all true. After a chance sighting of the fabled fox, Lillian hopes her hiker boyfriend Owen will finally propose. Instead, he publicly dumps her, claiming she’s not adventurous enough. Lillian’s determined to prove him wrong. But she sure could use some of that foxy magic to win him back . . . BUT IT HELPS . . . IF YOU’RE CRAZY LIKE A FOX Luckily, Lillian is not alone. She has her good friend Gavin, the local boot camp worker who agrees to help her reinvent herself—even though he thinks she’s fine the way she is. Then there are the townsfolk who also claim to have caught glimpses of The Fox: an offbeat musician with a downbeat career, a not-so-fortunate couple who’ve forgotten just how lucky they are, and a playwright whose life needs a second act. But if the fox legend is true, things always have a way of working out—for those crazy enough to keep believing . . .
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