When a young psychic acquires a riddle box in Beijing, China, she learns she can free the shapeshifter imprisoned inside, and that he is the beginning of an adventure ? and a love ? of a lifetime.
Dirk & Steel Agency
March 2005
Featuring: Hari; Dela Reese
352 pages ISBN: 0505526263 Paperback Add to Wish List
Long ago they roamed the earth, plentiful and powerful, men
with form of beast. Dragons, tigers, crows: shape-shifters.
Their world was magic. That world is gone, but some
HERS TO COMMAND: He looked completely out of place
in Dela
Reese's Beijing hotel room -- like he belonged to a myth,
was the tragic hero of some epic tale, exotic and poignant.
He was like nothing from her world, yet Dela had danced
through the echo of his soul, and she knew this warrior
would obey...
HIS TO PROTECT: Hari had been used and abused for
millennia; he was jaded, dull, tired. But upon his release
from the riddle box, Hari saw his new mistress was
different. In Dela's eyes he saw a hidden power; himself
within reach of all he had lost, of avenging those wrongs.
This woman was the key. If only he dared protect, where
before he had savaged; love, where before he'd known hate.
For Dela, he would dare all.