When I was in the 7th grade I took one of those career aptitude tests - you know, the ones where you answer a bunch of questions and the results indicate what profession you'd best be suited for? Yeah, well my test results indicated I was best suited for a career as a government spy.
I think I had the coolest results in the entire class. :)
Needless to say, I did not follow that particular career path - or maybe I just took the more indirect route. In my thirties a very good friend of mine who is now one of the world's most renowned psychic mediums suggested I stop ignoring my talents and dive right into the professional world of a psychic intuitive. On a lark, I did. And the results were pretty mind-blowing. Within just a few short weeks even I couldn't deny it - so much of what I predicted for total strangers was coming true and I really had to accept the "gift" so to speak.
Over the years I've built a really fabulous clientele and all those experiences have helped me create the Psychic Eye Mysteries, the Ghost Hunter Mysteries, and - for children - Oracles of Delphi Keep. And along that way I discovered my true love - writing.
Writing is one of those passions that gets me out of bed in the morning and invigorates my day. I love spinning a good yarn, and when I feel I actually get it right - wow! There is no better feeling.
In fact, the other day I was kicking back after a looooong day of writing, which ended in the completion of a manuscript and I remember just marveling in the fact that I actually get paid to daydream! I can't think of a more satisfying way to spend a life. And let's face it - it's a whole lot safer than working some covert operation. Although - I'm pretty sure the benefits might be better at the CIA. Still, I'll stick to my daydreams...at least for now... :)