September 12th, 2024
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September Best Reads

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Pet-friendly Wagtail's top inn faces danger as a killer stalks the town.

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A hilarious rom-com with a speculative twist that asks: Why put off until tomorrow the wedding you can sabotage today?

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A long-lost uncle leaves his fortune to his great niece�but there are strings attached.

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Finding Love Through Grit and Grace�

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Vicious hate crimes are rocking the LGBTQ+ community in Accra, and prejudice and politics threaten to stymie PI Emma Djan�s investigation.

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The prodigal peer... Or the return of a rogue?

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Between love and hate there is a pencil-thin line to walk�

Meredith Lyons

Meredith Lyons

Meredith grew up in New Orleans, collecting two degrees from Louisiana State University before running away to Chicago to be an actor. In between plays, she got her black belt and made martial arts and yoga her full-time day job. She fought in the Chicago Golden Gloves, ran the Chicago Marathon, and competed for team U.S.A. in the savate world championships in Paris. In spite of doing each of these things twice, she couldn’t stay warm and relocated to Nashville. She owns several swords, but lives a non-violent life, saving all swashbuckling for the page, knitting scarves, gardening, visiting coffee shops, and cuddling with her husband and two panther-sized cats. Ghost Tamer is her first novel.

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Ghost Tamer, September 2023




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