Robyn Freedman Spizman
Robyn Freedman Spizman has written more than seventy books
and is the most recognizable gift-giving expert today. She
has been on at least ten thousand live TV segments, is a
regular on radio talk shows, and frequently appears on many
national shows, including CNN, NBC's Today Show, and
Headline News as a gifting expert. She has a popular weekly
segment, "Been There, Bought That," on the morning show of
NBC's Atlanta affiliate, WXIA, and appears on Star 94 with
a show titled The Giftionary, based on her book.
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Books:Will Work from Home, August 2008
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Where's Your WOW?, April 2008
Take This Book to Work, October 2006
Make It Memorable, October 2004
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The Giftionary, May 2003