June 3rd, 2024
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A Promise Engraved

A Promise Engraved, May 2022
Doors to the Past #8
by Liz Tolsma

Barbour Books
Featuring: Kayleigh
224 pages
ISBN: 1636092497
EAN: 9781636092492
Kindle: B09GJJH1F7
Paperback / e-Book
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"Will they find answers in A Promise Engraved?"

Fresh Fiction Review

A Promise Engraved
Liz Tolsma

Reviewed by Kim Roller
Posted October 14, 2022

Romance Historical | Women's Fiction Historical | Christian Historical

A PROMISE ENGRAVED, takes two women, one in the past and the other in the present, and connects them by a family heirloom. Two men will help these women find the answers they’re looking for. Danger, suspense, intrigue, and attraction play a part throughout the story. Lives are put in danger as questions get answers and the past comes to the present. Family connections are brought to light as a couple in the present day looks for answers to A PROMISE ENGRAVED on a ring thought to be a missing family heirloom.

The series Doors to the Past weaves two stories together to answer a modern-day puzzle that just may lead to new relationships that lead to love and danger. The story’s unique twist is that it’s based around a well-known American landmark in the past and present. Liz Tolsma writes an intriguing, suspenseful story centered around the Texas landmark, The Alamo, and leading up to the fight for Texas independence. Lives are in danger in both the past and present; some questions get answers, and some don’t.

A PROMISE ENGRAVED is a wonderful Christian story of looking for answers and solving a mystery that keeps readers on the edge of their seats, wondering how it will turn out. A wonderful story that takes similar situations in the past and present that lead to two women possibly finding the love of a man who will take them as they are.

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Young, spirited Josie Wilkins life is about to take a turn when faced with political turmoil and secret love in San Antonio of 1836. John Gilbert has won her heart, despite being a Protestant preacher who is forbidden to practice his faith in Texas. If he discovers the secrets of her painful past, he will never have anything to do with her. But then comes the Battle of the Alamo. Will either of them survive an epic battle for liberty to create a legacy of love?
Nearly 200 years later, Kayleigh Hewland takes breaks from her demanding job as a refugee coordinator working with Mexican migrants to attend flea markets where she has found a uniquely engraved ring that helps her discover who killed her parents. Enlisting the help of appraiser Brandon Mullins, they piece together a love story long forgotten. But will dangers linked to the ring end her own hopes for leaving a legacy built on hope, faith, and love?

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