The mission is simple … get in, get the memory stick and get out. Marc Portman, code name “Watchman,” is called in at the last minute on this op, but little preparation had been needed. Good thing he picked up a gun after he landed, as it is now coming in handy. Marc knows something is wrong when the first shot at him comes too close for comfort. He can’t see the shooter, but he knows he’s higher than Marc. This isn’t Marc’s first rodeo, and he has the tactical experience to know what to do.
After taking out this shooter and another who is waiting close to his vehicle, Marc learns that his contact is not coming with the memory stick. He’s told by his CIA handler to meet a contact person in town, and she will get him out of the country. The meet-up goes well, but getting out of the country is a little trickier. Marc and this MI6 Field Operative are attacked again. As a matter of fact, from the time they leave Lebanon, fly to Cyprus, then Germany and on to Paris, it seems that whoever is after Marc, knows his every move and exactly where he is going. He’s attacked at each destination, but prevails by taking his assailants out. Can Marc return home safely and can they find the person responsible for these attacks?
A HOSTILE STATE is Adrian Magson’s fifth book in his Marc Portman thriller series. Marc is a “contract” operative who is used by the CIA and other intelligence groups for hostage rescue and other dangerous missions around the world. An alphabet soup of government organizations are involved: US, Russian and British. Marc is quite resilient and a very resourceful character. The supporting characters, other than the bad guys, are a mixed bag of government officials, some with questionable motives. The storyline is filled with secrecy, intrigue, espionage and intelligence-led operations that lead to an unusual conclusion for this strong main character. Marc’s identity may have been compromised … will we see more adventures from him? I certainly hope so, as I’ve always loved Mr. Magson’s character’s thrilling escapades in all his novels. Don’t miss this one!
A routine assignment for deep cover specialist Marc Portman becomes something darker and deeper in this action-packed spy thriller.
Deep cover specialist Marc Portman is in Lebanon on a last-minute assignment. A straightforward collect-and-go job. At least it should have been.
Ambushed by a surprise attack, it's clear that someone must have had advance warning of Portman's arrival. But who is his unseen enemy - clearly one with considerable resources - and why do they want him dead? More importantly, how could his attacker have known of his movements with less than 24 hours' notice?
Concluding there must be an active leak at the heart of the CIA, Portman finds himself virtually alone and on the run, hung out to dry by the powers-that-be. If he is to survive, he must use his unique skill set to turn the tables on his pursuers . . . and beat them at their own game.