When her Confidential Informant is gunned down in the street, FBI Agent Kiley Dawson asks for the lead on the investigation. Kiley is a member of the elite FBI Red Team. She, Mack, Sean and Cam work well together. This is her first time to take the lead role, but this is personal. Her CI had become a friend. Firuzeh Abed was coming to tell Kiley about a possible terrorist attack on 9-11, which is just days away. Her last words were “port, coma, B342”.
While Kiley’s team begins their investigation, ICE Agent Evan Bowers is closing in on some illegal immigrants thought to be in a shipping container at the port in Tocoma, WA. When the two investigations collide in cyberspace, Evan is brought on board with the Red Team. He and Kiley have a history, and it isn’t a good one. Kiley blames him for the loss of a team member a few years back. Can she put her feelings aside and work with Evan to find these terrorists and what their intended target might be?
Susan Sleeman brings us her second installment of her Homeland Heroes Series with MINUTES TO DIE, a dynamic, inspirational thriller. Kiley and Evan are well-developed, realistic main characters with a strong work ethic. That’s a good thing, as this fast-paced, emotion-driven storyline leaves little time to rest, sleep or even eat. The cast of supporting characters includes Kiley’s team, as well as agents from just about all the “letter” government organizations and several local law-enforcement departments. This means a lot of resources at their fingertips. Kiley and Evan crisscross the United States from coast to coast, with a few stops in between in search of these terrorists. Even more terrifying is the fact that they don’t know where the attack will be, nor the weapon that will be used. MINUTES TO DIE is a story about fear, loss and unforgiveness … about holding on to anger and letting it eat away at you. Can Kiley find a way to trust Evan and move on? If you love police procedural and are looking for a good inspirational thriller, this is your book!
Terrorists have been smuggled into the country intent on unleashing a deadly attack, and FBI Agent Kiley Dawson and ICE Agent Evan Bowers are charged with taking it down--only, Kiley blames Evan for the death of her former partner and can't be in the same room as him. As threats ensue, the two are pushed to the breaking point in a race to save countless lives.
It's the intel every agent fears--terrorists have been smuggled into the country, intent on unleashing the most deadly attack since 9/11. With the threat imminent, FBI Agent Kiley Dawson and ICE Agent Evan Bowers are charged with taking down this terrorist cell. The only problem is Kiley blames Evan for the death of her former partner, and she can barely be in a room with him. But with millions of lives on the line, she has no choice.
If it wasn't for a bad call Evan made, Kiley's former partner would still be alive, and Evan has to live with that guilt for the rest of his life. When he starts falling for her, the agent's death seems an impossible obstacle--but it's also the last thing he needs to think about. As the terrorist plot targets Kiley's family, the two are pushed to the breaking point in a race to save countless lives.