Bones of murdered children are found on land where the
remains of a country foster home stand. The land is now
being developed and fear grew when residents are getting
killed after the bones are found. Hazel Micallef is
reminded of her brother Alan, who for the first 10 years
of his life lived in a foster home. And, the remains
found makes her think back to the fall of 1959 when a
Carol Lim, a young girl went missing in the town, and she
remembers how her brother Alan was suspected of being
behind the disappearance. Now Hazel feels the need to
find out the identities of the boys killed and find out
who killed them.
I saw the movie THE CALLING with Susan Sarandon a while
back. It was the first book in this series and I was
intrigued by the movie and wanted to read the books since
we all know that books are always better (in most cases).
So, when I got THE NIGHT BELL was I thrilled to get the
chance of getting to get to know the book version of
Hazel Micallef. THE NIGHT BELL is book four in the
Hazel Micallef Mystery series, but I didn't have
any problems reading the book, despite not having read
the previous three books. However, since I have seen the
movie do I have some previous knowledge of the characters
in the book. But, I don't think you have to read the
previous books to enjoy this one.
I really liked the way the book was written. I'm a fast
reader, but this one I felt that I needed to take the
time to really appreciate the languages. I didn't want to
rush through the book. And, I especially liked that the
book had flashbacks to Hazel Micallef childhood, to the
fall when Carol Lim disappeared. So, at one hand we have
the grim reality with the finding of the bones and on the
other hand, we have a young Hazel Micallef learning that
lives isn't always nice. I liked young Alan, and it
saddens me to know that he never really got a happy life
and that it ended too soon.
THE NIGHT BELL is a great thriller, it builds up slowly,
but I never felt that it got too slow. It has an
interesting and sad case, and Hazel Micallef reminiscent
retrospective part fitted perfect with it. I liked this
book very much and I want to read the previous books in
the series!
The brilliantly paced and irresistibly suspenseful new
novel in the Detective Hazel Micallef series takes this
"perfectly original" (Gillian Flynn) detective into the
maelstrom of two murder cases.
The new novel in this
acclaimed series is brilliantly paced, addictively
suspenseful—the author's best yet.
Hazel Micallef
(played by Susan Sarandon in the recent film of the series'
debut, The Calling) has become one of crime
writing's most memorable detectives.The Night
Bellmoves between the past and the present in Port
Dundas, Ontario, as two mysteries converge. A discovery of
the bones of murdered children is made on land that was once
a county foster home. Now it's being developed as a brand
new subdivision whose first residents are already railing
against broken promises and corruption. But when three of
these residents are murdered after the discovery of the
children's bones, frustration turns to
While trying to stem the panic and solve
two crimes at once, Hazel Micallef finds her memory stirred
back to the fall of 1959, when the disappearance of a girl
from town was blamed on her adopted brother. Although he is
long dead, she begins to see the present case as a chance to
clear her brother's name, something that drives Hazel beyond
her own considerable limits and right into the sights of an
angry killer.