Gillaine Davré was a captain in the Raheiran Special Forces,
a powerful mage designated the Kiasidira, whose abilities
were only second to her responsibilities. She was sent to
aid the Khalar in a battle against a vicious mageline race
called the Fav'lhir.
But that was nearly three hundred and fifty years ago.
Rocketed into the future while fleeing pursuit by a Fav'lhir
warship, Gilly wakes to find that she and her damaged
starship have been brought aboard a Khalaran space station.
In the time she's been "away," something rather disturbing
has happened: She's been made a goddess. The Khalar revere
Lady Kiasidira, and have no idea that a deity now walks
among them. Gilly intends to keep it that way, and all she
needs to do is go unrecognized while she repairs her ship
and works out how to return to her proper time. Her only
ally is Simon, the sentient nanoessence within her vessel's
hull. If she wants to avoid abject worship, anonymity is
vital to Gilly -- but when the descendants of the Fav'lhir
return, she may have no choice but to be a goddess once again.
Admiral Rynan Makarian knows that the space station
designated Cirrus One has a lot of problems he's expected to
fix (not the least of which is a flock of escaped parrots
that no one can seem to keep contained). It's a handful,
and so is the woman that his staff has recovered from
Khalaran space. Gilly may claim to be just a trader, but
Mack can tell she's hiding something. He suspects she's a
smuggler, but still can't help falling for her -- and remains
utterly unaware that the true breadth of her secret could
shatter his society's religious beliefs.
Ms. Sinclair's third novel is as engaging as its
predecessors, fast-paced and hard to put down. As usual,
she wastes little time laying out a background, instead
thrusting readers right into the action with her heroine in
a predicament right from page one. The characters are vivid
and entertaining, and even readers who don't generally care
for science fiction will be enthralled and find the setting
easy to digest. Though we learn little about Gilly's
homeland or society, there are enough details that it's easy
to believe the Raheirans are out there somewhere, and that
in some sequel (that we'd love to read, but probably won't
get) they might show up on Cirrus One's doorstep to stir the
pot once again.
If the book has a flaw, it is in its adherence to a recipe
already well-tasted in GABRIEL'S GHOST and FINDERS KEEPERS:
Mix one ordinary protagonist with one extraordinary
protagonist possessed of a tier of increasingly startling
secrets, season with an inhuman sidekick, and bring to a
boil. (Feeds: Thousands of avid readers.) This time, the
one who's hiding something is the main character, and so we
readers are in on the secret from the start; but otherwise,
one might argue that AN ACCIDENTAL GODDESS is the same story
in different trappings. It's a good story, so we'll keep
reading it over and over -- but Ms. Sinclair has shown
herself to be a very talented writer. It would be nice to
see what else she can come up with.
Author Linnea Sinclair returns with another sexy, out-
this-world adventure, in which the forces of attraction
collide—and combust…
Raheiran Special Forces Captain Gillaine Davré has just
woken up in some unknown station, wondering where the last
three hundred years have gone. The last thing she
is her ship being attacked. Now it seems that while she
time-traveling, she was ordained a Goddess…
Gillaine’s only hope of survival rests with dangerously
seductive Admiral “Mack” Makarian, who suspects her of
being a smuggler—or worse. But he can’t begin to imagine
the full extent of it. For Gillaine is now Lady Kiasidira,
holy icon to countless believers, including Mack—a man who
inspires feelings in her that are far from saintly…
she knows are mutual. But when their flirtation is
interrupted by a treacherous enemy from the past,
Gillaine’s secret—and secret desires—could destroy them