WOLF SLAYER is book two in the Order of the Wolf
series by
Angela Addams. This is the story of Aubrey Devlin who has
spent her life training to be a wolf slayer. Aubrey
believes she is destined to meet her wolf hunter mate,
him and become his huntress spending their lives together
hunting down werewolves.
When a hunter comes for her twin
sister and no one comes for her, Aubrey is devastated.
Aubrey now believes she will never be picked, so she
decides to put her butt kicking skills to work and she
begins working as a body guard for a popular rock band.
One thing she does not know about having the huntress gene
is that if you meet your mate he could be a hunter or a
wolf and you must decide which side you are going to be
When she meets the base player of the band she is very
attracted to him and she has no idea he is a werewolf.
Thing get exciting from there and clothes start flying.
When her sister shows up with a hunter to claim her,
must decide which side of the fight she is going to come
down on.
WOLF SLAYER is a book two but can be read alone, though
might want to get the first one because it is a good story
and helps you to get to know all the characters. There is
lot of room to go with these stories and I expect that
Angela Addams has introduced all the characters she will
expand more on their world.
The characters are strong, fun
and likeable. Who doesn't love a female lead that kicks
serious butt? WOLF SLAYER is a quick enjoyable story and I
can't wait for the next book in the series to be released.
She would have made his next breath his last, if he hadn’t
stolen hers.
Order of the Wolf, Book 2
Aubrey Devlin thought she had a destiny—to become a
Huntress, be mated to a Hunter, and spend her life in
everlasting, werewolf ass-kicking bliss. But after years of
honing her wolf-slaying skills, it’s her twin sister who’s
chosen for the coveted honor.
Swallowing her disappointment, she takes a job as head of
security for the band Riot. Staying professional is tough
when it comes to the band’s sex-god bassist, an alpha
bad-boy to the extreme. She will keep her mind on her
work—as soon as she figures out how to stop drooling over
the man.
Jaylon isn’t good with women—especially those with the
ability to kill him—yet he knows without a doubt Aubrey is
his mate. Now if only he can get the stubborn woman to fall
for him.
One argument too many, and instead of clawing each other’s
eyes out, they wind up clawing each other’s clothes off.
It’s then that Jaylon realizes the truth: Aubrey is a true
Huntress. He’d better find a way to claim his mate before a
Hunter claims her first…
Warning: Sexually explicit (like ripping-clothes-off,
sex-in-public-places explicit) language. Rock-star bad-ass
with long hair and a wicked bite. A take-no-crap huntress
who bites back. You are encouraged to lick, suck, and devour
your way through this tasty treat in one sitting—just be
aware you might be hungry for more.