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Best Women's Erotica 2014

Best Women's Erotica 2014, December 2013
by Violet Blue

Cleis Press
232 pages
ISBN: 1627780033
EAN: 9781627780032
Kindle: B00G8O714A
Paperback / e-Book
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"Sexy read"

Fresh Fiction Review

Best Women's Erotica 2014
Violet Blue

Reviewed by Gabrielle Lee
Posted March 22, 2014

Erotic Anthology

BEST WOMEN'S EROTICA 2014 edited by Violet Blue brings readers another batch of great erotic reads. Once again Violet Blue has brought together some great authors and stories. Each of these stories pulls the reader into the world that the author has created it and keeps you entertained all the way through to the end. There are so many different worlds in this anthology that there is bound to be something for all readers. I found some new authors to enjoy while reading this new anthology.

I am always excited to see another anthology edited by Violet Blue and this one does not disappoint. I liked that these stories all contained strong characters that are more than ready to enjoy themselves. I found each of these stories a good read and would find it hard to pick just one favorite. These stories are full of everything from Dominance and submission to a woman who shares her big box full of toys and all that comes in between. As with all anthologies there are some stories that really hit the mark and give the reader just what they are looking for. Some of my favorites include actors and a spanking scene, a married couple finding new adventures and even a threesome. These stories are full of titillation and excitement keeping this reader engrossed throughout this anthology. I truly enjoyed my quick visits into each world and getting a taste of each authors writing style which enabled me to find some great authors that I will be sure to look for more form. It was nice to see stories about regular people not billionaires and such making these stories easier to connect to and get lost in. I hope that we get to enjoy many more of these anthologies in the future.

Learn more about Best Women's Erotica 2014


Best Women's Erotica 2014 delivers risky, romantic, and heart-pounding thrills. Joyful, daring, and authentic, these steamy stories revel in erotic adventure, from the sparks between strangers to the knowing caresses of long-time lovers. These stories are not merely erotic, but filled with strong characters and clever narratives showing how sexual experience is different for everyone. This anthology is a glorious celebration of the finest and friskiest female erotic fiction today. Carefully curated by sex guru Violet Blue, these stories celebrate the sensations of falling in lust and the electrifying thrills of sexual passion. What this award-winning editor does best is add a twist of spice and the unexpected; she reads hundreds of stories to come up with the very best of the year, just for your reading pleasure. So, lay back and enjoy the ride.


"Chattel" by Errica Liekos From Best Women's Erotica 2014, edited by Violet Blue "Maybe I haven't been making myself clear," Alex said. "I let you go because I trust you to come back. Men like me don't give away things they're unsure of. But maybe you haven't under- stood my confidence in you." "I..." Sasha started to speak, but Alex's hand tightened behind her neck, and she stopped. He rubbed his five o'clock shadow against her throat, then continued. "I can see now that I made a mistake," he said. "You don't need your freedom, do you? You need to know you're wanted. You need to know you're loved." Sasha felt her legs go weak. She leaned on Alex, and he held her weight. There were no windows in their front hall. She opened and closed her eyes to the same solid black. "I'll be clear from here on out. You're mine. I own you. I tell you to spend time with your friends because it gives me pleasure to do so. Because I like you missing me, and I like it when you come home with new stories from your friends and your world to entertain me. I expect you to stay independent and entertaining to me. Do you understand?" Sasha nodded. "Because I have no interest in owning something weak and unchallenging, Sasha. I want you strong, and I want you to have your own interests." Alex lowered his voice even more. "But you belong to me. Do you understand?" Sasha nodded again. "I'm not sure you do. Go into the living room. I'm going to show you." Alex released her, and she walked deeper into their apartment, less sure in her heels than she'd ever felt before, sensing his body just a few inches behind her with every step. She turned the corner, and their living room appeared before her, lit by the streetlamps shining through the windows. She hesitated at the doorway. "The middle of the room will be fine." Sasha moved to the center of the room, and hesitated again. "Face me." She did. Alex had his arms crossed, but his body language didn't seem closed off. There was a trace of a smile dancing around his lips. "It really is a lovely dress you're wearing," he said. "Take it off." Sasha blinked, then did as she was told. A pile of green silk quickly landed in a puddle around her feet. "And matching underwear, too. Lovely." Alex stepped forward and ran a hand along her side, like he was calming a skittish horse. "But I want you, not some fancy outfit. Take them off as well, if you please." The courtesy of his phrasing somehow made the words even less of a request, more of a command. She unhooked her bra and let it fall. She slid down her panties and stepped out of them, then nudged the clothing away from herself with one foot, so she wouldn't trip on the fabric. Sasha looked down at her high heels and back up at Alex. "Shoes, too?" He chuckled. "Let's not go nuts." Sasha stood in front of her husband, naked except for three-inch black leather heels. He was close enough to touch, close enough that she could grasp him with both arms and cling to him for reassurance, but she didn't dare. She held still as he watched her, his eyes roaming over her body, finally meeting her eyes. "Good girl," he said. She shivered. "Oh," Alex said. "I see. Let's warm you up." He knelt down in front of her, reached for her hip and kissed her. Sasha had never really liked anyone, even Alex, going down on her. It made her self-conscious. Without thinking, she stepped back. Alex stood up faster than she realized was possible, grabbed her upper arm and yanked her body back toward his own. "See?" he said, pressing against her. "This is what I'm talking about. I'm not doing this for you. This is what I want." He took her other arm in his hand as well and started walking forward, forcing her to walk back. Each time she took a misstep in her heels, his arms supported her. "You belong to me. All of you. I don't care if this makes you nervous, I don't care if you don't understand how beautiful and delicious I find you." Sasha took a final step backward and felt the fabric of their couch against the backs of her legs. "Now lie down, spread your legs and give it over." Sasha felt the heat and moisture building between her legs. She did as instructed.

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