This is the fourth book in Moreland series by Candace Camp.
The previous books are WINTERSET, BEYOND
COMPARE and MESMERIZED. All of the Morelands make
appearances in this book. Unfortunately, this reviewer has
not read the previous books so I was unable to compare it
with them. This is also the first book that I've read by
this author.
AN UNEXPECTED PLEASURE is the story of Theo Moreland, Lord
Raine, the eldest son of the Duke of Broughton and Megan
Mulcahey, an Irish-American girl, working in a man's world
as a journalist. She has had to work harder and fight her
way to prove herself. Now Megan is about to begin her
greatest journey -- to find and prove that Theo Moreland
murdered her brother and bring him to justice.
The Mulcahey family believes Theo Moreland murdered their
brother Dennis ten years ago when they were in the jungle of
the Amazon together. They received a short note from Theo
Moreland informing them of Dennis' death which he described
as an accident. They also received another letter from
Andrew Barchester, who was also on the expedition, claiming
that Moreland murdered Dennis. Barchester also told them
that Moreland took an object from Dennis and was wearing
it around his neck and wouldn't let anyone see it.
Megan is awakened during the night by her sister Deirdre's
screams. Deirdre says that she has seen their brother
Dennis. She is not sure why Dennis has contacted her after
all these years, but she feels that there is something that
Dennis wants them to retrieve; Deirdre is considered by the
family as having "second sight." Frank Mulcahey believes
that his son wants his death avenged and whatever Theo
Moreland stole returned to them.
It is decided that the Mulcahey's will travel to London and
secure the evidence needed to prove Theo Moreland is a
murderer. They may not be able to have him convicted in a
court of law but they will expose him to the people of
London and his family as a murderer.
After arriving in London, Megan secures a position in the
Moreland household as a tutor. The Duchess of Broughton is
a free thinking woman and believes that a woman can also be
a tutor. Besides, the twins, Constantine and Alexander, are
a bit of a hand full and have dispatched a great number of
tutors with their antics. After being raised with three
brothers Megan is more than able to handle the twins. She
earns their undying respect the day she arrives by helping
catch their mice and not screaming when they tell her that
they plan to feed the mice to their pet boa.
The moment Megan sees Theo Moreland she is mesmerized. He
is the most handsome man she has ever seen. As she looks
into his eyes, she has to keep reminding herself that he
murdered her brother. Theo also feels a bit of a shock
because during that trip down the Amazon he contracted a
high fever and believes that the woman who came to him and
saved his life looked exactly like Megan.
Megan is accepted at face value by the Moreland's and is
immediately included in family dinners and outings. She
finds it harder and harder after each of Theo's kisses to
believe that he is a killer. During a heated exchange she
reveals her belief that he killed her brother and tells him
about the letter stating his guilt. Theo then tells Megan
the entire story of her of brother's death and why he wrote
such a short note and never wrote to them again. Megan
looks deep into his eyes and believes his story. Theo and
Megan realize that neither has heard the real story and
decide to investigate together.
This book started off really good and grabbed my
attention, but in the middle I felt like I was reading my
old history book. At that point it was really hard to
continue, but after the history lesson ended the story
continued and I ended up enjoying it. I felt the ending was
a little rushed and unbelievable. Readers who like alot of
actual history will enjoy this story.
I do hope that Ms. Camp will continue with the Moreland
series. "The Little Greats" (Constantine and Alexander) need
their own story.
Had Theo Moreland, the Marquess of Raine, killed her
brother? Journalist Megan Mulcahey had to know the truth. A
woman working in a man's profession, Irish-American Megan is
used to fighting for what she wants, but Theo may prove her
greatest challenge yet! Heir to a dukedom and powerful
beyond Megan's wildest dreams, Lord Raine is also sinfully
handsome and fiercely intelligent. Megan is determined to
discover if Theo is responsible for her brother's suspicious
death -- and to find out what became of the treasure the men
were seeking in the South American jungle. But first she
must cross the Atlantic and infiltrate his household -- any
way she can . . .
The new governess was not what Theo had expected. The
dashing, adventurous explorer had always been restless and
plagued with wanderlust -- until fiesty Megan came to
Broughton House to teach his younger twin siblings. Now
there's no place he'd rather be than home, admiring the
curvaceous redhead.
Theo can't deny the strange pull of attraction between them,
nor the swift and immediate desire that troubles and excites
him. He's seen beauty like Megan's only once before -- in a
fever dream from which he hoped never to awake. But why is
this delicious vision snooping around his mansion like a
common thief?
As the threads of the mystery grow ever more tangled, Megan
and Theo must make a vital choice -- continue to cling to
the ghosts of their past... or trust each other to be their