The Best Man © Ana Blaze Colin followed her, snatched her hand and spun her around so her back was pressed against the wall near her bedroom door. He kissed her again, one of his magic kisses that left her weak in the knees and nearly distracted from the matter at hand. “You can’t just get all sexy every time I disagree with you.” His teeth teased her earlobe. “Quite right,” he murmured. “I’m trying to have a serious conversation here.” “We’re amazing together. Tell me you don’t feel it too?” “Of course I feel something, but it can’t be love.” “Why not?” “It takes more than a couple days to know if you’re compatible enough to share your life with someone.” Colin touched her temple. “You’re talking about something that comes from here instead of the thing that comes from here.” He placed his hand over her heart. “Yeah, well I’m pretty sure the body part you’re thinking with is a bit lower.” Shaking his head, he pulled her hand up and placed it on his chest. “You’re under my skin, Beth. There isn’t a part of me that doesn’t want you.” He brushed her hair off her forehead. “You took a pretty hard hit to the head the other day.” “It started before that. You floored me the moment we met.” “You’re claiming love at first sight?” “Is it so hard to believe?’ Colin skimmed her bottom lip with his thumb. “You have a stack of videos in the other room that tell me you want to believe in happily ever after. Take the chance.” “Those are fantasies, pretty stories about pretty people. I like them, but I don’t think they’re real.” His hands kept moving; they slid up her neck, down her arms. They tugged her shirt out of her skirt and caressed the small of her back. “Want to know what I think? I think you liked me from the start. I think you felt this connection too, right away. You tried to act all proper but you couldn’t wait to get your hands on me.” She laughed. “I thought you were a pain in the ass.” “You mean you couldn’t stop looking at my arse, saucy girl.”