Gillian Parker parked her rental car at the curb. Glancing
around, she tried to absorb every sight immediately. The
clapboard homes on the side street. The weathered fronts on
the buildings closer to the ocean. The spaciousness of the
main street. The flower designs painted on the old iron
street lights.
She was unabashedly charmed.
Rocky Point, Maine, had only been a dot on the map before
today. Now she sat in her car in the heart of the New
England town.
She stepped from the car and locked the door. Not that there
was anything in the car itself. Her suitcase was in the
trunk. But habits were habits.
Walking to the front of the café, she involuntarily smiled
again noticing the quaint decor. Flower boxes lined the
bottom of the large windows, with colorful blooms already
spilling over the edge. The outside had been painted
recently and gave a friendly feel of welcome to the
She opened the door and walked in, her high heels rapping on
the hardwood floors. The waitresses carried ladened trays
weaving through the throng, their pinafore period costumes
adding to the charm of the old-time décor, which seemed to
make the café a top destination for lunch.
"Table for one?" a waitress asked, pausing for a moment.
"Yes." As she passed Gillian felt the center of all eyes.
Conversation seemed to diminish a bit, then regained the
previous volume.
She'd heard stories about small towns recognizing strangers
when they arrived. Judging from the weekday work attire of
the folks at the tables, her clothing would also signal
something out of the ordinary. She'd just come from the
funeral, where she had worn her only black suit. It was a
bit dressy for a midweek afternoon.
The waitress handed her the menu. "Our special today is crab
cakes. The sisters make the best in town."
Gillian smiled and began to study the menu, wondering who
the sisters were. Everything looked delicious. How to
decide. Maybe she'd take the waitress's suggestion. The crab
was undoubtedly fresh.
Glancing around after she ordered, Gillian smiled at a
couple of people when they met her eye. They smiled in return.
She felt almost giddy with excitement. This was the first
day in town, and if the Lord willed it, she'd be here until
the day she died. Gillian prayed this would become her home.
All things pointed to it.
The crab cakes were fabulous. The fresh fruit compote that
accompanied it was a delicious balance. She sipped the tea
she'd ordered and wondered if she'd have difficulty finding
the house she'd come to claim. From what she'd seen of the
town so far, it was laid out in squares, neat and compact,
and easily navigated.
"How's the lunch?" A woman dressed in a costume similar to
Gillian's waitress stopped by the table with a smile.
"Delicious, thanks."
"Glad to hear it. I'm Marcie Evans. I own this place."
"The food is wonderful, and I really like the decor and
Marcie smile broadened. "So glad to hear that, too. You're
not from around here."
"That obvious, huh?" Gillian asked, almost laughing. She
felt as out of place here as she would in a chorus line at a
Vegas show.
"I was born and raised here, so I know everyone," Marcie said.
"I'm Gillian Parker, and no, I'm not from around here. I'm
from Nevada."
"Related to Sophie?"
Gillian nodded.
"I'm so sorry about her death. I missed the funeral because
of work. One of my waitresses is out sick today, so I have
to fill in. Sophie was wonderful."
Gillian smiled, trying to hide the pang that this young
woman had known her great-grandmother when she herself had
only learned of her existence after her death— when the
lawyer's call had told her she was the beneficiary of
Sophie's estate.
"Do you know how to get to Sophie's house? I inherited
it."There, she'd said it aloud. She had stopped by the
lawyer's office briefly after she'd arrived in town. Not
wanting to be late to the funeral, the visit had been brief.
Julian Greene had promised to meet with her another day to
review things. But now that lunch was over, Gillian was
anxious to see the place she'd inherited. And to begin
making plans to move to Maine.
"Better than that," Marcie said with a twinkle in her eye.
"Your next-door neighbor is eating lunch here as well. Came
straight from the funeral. You can follow him out to the
house. It's on a bluff halfway around the cove. Once you
know the road to take from town, you'll have no problem
finding it. Let me bring Joe over and introduce the two of you."
Marcie wove her way through the tables and went to a booth
on the side. Gillian recognized the man Marcie spoke to as
one of the pallbearers at the funeral. He had stood a head
above the other men and was much younger. He glanced over at
Gillian and she smiled politely.
He frowned and looked back at Marcie.
So much for neighborliness, she thought.
"Come on, Joe. It won't hurt a bit. Just have her follow you
out of town and point out Sophie's place as you pass. You
don't have to do more than meet her and say 'follow me,'"
Marcie said.
"I'm not interested in getting to know some come-and-go
heiress who probably plans to sell before Sophie's in the
ground good."
It was a good thing no one could read minds. He knew better,
but that didn't stop his interest. He'd seen her at the
church, and then wobbling across the lawn in those high
heels at the cemetery. He might have thought staying single
was the way to go these days, but it didn't make him immune
to the attractions of a beautiful woman. He just hoped he
had better sense than to act on that attraction.
"She seems nice," Marcie said.
Joe peered around her and met the gaze of the woman he'd
noticed at the funeral and again after she'd walked into the
café. She was stunning. If this weren't Rocky Point, and if
he didn't have a daughter to worry about, he might go over
and find out if she were as nice as Marcie suggested.
"If she's Sophie's great-granddaughter, why didn't anyone
know about her?"
"I doubt Julian Greene would hand the keys to the house to
someone he wasn't convinced was a relative. Better have her
there than the house stand empty."
"We're going to miss Sophie. Her death hit Jenny especially
"I'm sure. She was a good neighbor, and Jenny had the run of
her house. Hard as it is to face, we all need to know life
on earth is temporary. It's eternal life to look forward to."
"I knew Sophie all my life. My folks moved into the house
next to hers before I was even born. It won't ever be the same."
Marcie nodded. "Still, she had a nice long life."
"Yes, she had a long life, but how nice it was is anyone's
guess. Her husband died during the Depression, her only son
died in the Korean War, her grandson disappeared one day
after trying to gyp her out of all her money. And she had to
work hard to keep going and keep up that house— especially
after she retired."
"She had lots of friends, her church work, and I know she
thought of you and Jenny as family," Marcie said gently.
"You always treated her that way. And she had money enough
to hire help when she really needed it."
"I'm going to miss her. It's difficult to imagine what it's
going to be like without her next door," Joe said, glancing
again at the stranger sitting alone at her table. His
daughter, Jenny, had been devastated when she learned Sophie
had died from a fall down her stairs likely caused by a stroke.
With both Joe's parents dead, his wife long gone, Sophie had
completed their small family.
He studied the stranger for a moment, feeling that kick of
interest ramp up a notch. It had been so long since he'd
been this interested in someone, he didn't like it. For a
moment he felt like he had when he'd been younger— carefree,
daring, a bit wild. Her red-gold hair was a riotous, flaming
swirl around her head and shoulders. She was tall and
slender with legs that seemed to go on forever. The
sophisticated black suit was as out of place in Rocky Point
as she was. And he wanted to get to know her. Find out what
made her come out of the blue to Rocky Point. And was she
planning to stay? She had arrived just as the service in the
old church started. Sitting alone, she had not shed a tear,
nor talked to anyone. Now she was claiming to be Sophie's
great-granddaughter. In all the years he'd known Sophie,
she'd never said a word about having a great-granddaughter.
The black suit and black shoes should have had her looking
like a glorious crow. Black was not her color. Still—it
highlighted her creamy complexion, made her blue eyes seem
brighter than anyone's and provided a dramatic backdrop for
that vibrant hair, which seemed to be a beacon of light
capturing pure sunshine. Would it be flame hot or silky cool
to the touch? Her blue eyes sparkled even at this distance.
Joe was older and wiser now than he'd been when he married
Pamela. Now his life was firmly centered in the Lord. He
knew that stepping outside of the Lord's will would result
in havoc. The years of his tumultuous marriage had proved
that. He was content with his life, his work and his small
family. But it didn't hurt to look at beauty, and yearn just
a little bit.
"Okay, she can follow me home."
"Gee, be happy, why don't you? It's not as if you have to
introduce her around or anything, just show her the house."
"I said all right."
"Then come and meet her. I have other things to do and don't
want you taking off before you meet. She might actually be
"Time you moved on, Joe. Get married again, have some more
babies. Not every woman's like Pamela."
"I haven't even met the woman and you're matchmaking?" he
asked in astonishment. Had he given himself away? Not that
he was interested in marriage—or even a long-term
relationship. He would settle for admitting to being
curious about Gillian Parker. That was it.
"No. I just want you to open yourself up to the possibility.
You need to find someone to fall in love with, someone who
will bring you sunshine and joy. The Lord has the right
person in mind, but you need to do your part, too."
Joe looked at Marcie, amazed at her take on things. He found
it ironic that she was passing on such advice. His brother
had left her at the altar years ago. Joe didn't see any
signs she was dating or about to marry. Joe was afraid
Marcie was a one-man woman and that man had broken her
heart. He'd known her since they'd been kids. She was
pretty, fun and smart as a whip. His brother had been a fool
to walk away from her.
"Romantic," he said, involuntarily flicking his glaze at the
fiery sunshine of the stranger's hair.
"Even after Zach, you have fairy dust in your eyes."
"No, I have my faith firmly planted. Remember Pamela wasn't
the only woman in the world. Open yourself up to the
possibilities that surround you."
"Like Polly Maynard?"
Marcie burst out laughing. "Not Polly! Is she still chasing
"You'd think she'd get the hint," he grumbled. Polly had had
a crush on him since high school. He had never even dated
her, but she had made it clear she'd say yes if he ever asked.
Marcie chuckled as she led Joe across the wide restaurant to
the table where Gillian sat.
Gillian watched the man rise and head toward her. He'd stand
out in any crowd—tall and broad shouldered, with dark hair
just a bit longer than it should be. It looked rugged
against his white shirt collar.
By the look on his face, he was not thrilled to be meeting
her. Maybe the restaurant owner had been a bit presumptuous
in thinking he'd want to show her to her new inheritance.
She didn't want to be a burden on anyone, especially not a
new neighbor. And what a neighbor. He only improved as he
got closer. The air seemed brighter, the colors more
vibrant. His long lanky build put him well over six feet.
Nice, since she was five ten herself. His dark hair gleamed
beneath the artificial light. His tanned skin showed he
spent a lot of time outdoors. And his slightly rugged build
had her curious about what he might be doing in those out
door hours—fishing? Rocky Point's main industry was fishing.
"Joe Kincaid, meet Gillian Parker," Marcie introduced.
"Hello. Marcie said you could show me how to get to Sophie
Parker's house. It's mine now, and I don't know where it is,
except somewhere out on a road called Shoreline. Sophie was
my great-grandmother," she said, her words rushing through
before he could say anything. She stopped for breath. She
should at least let him get a word in edgewise. Nerves
shimmered as she stared into eyes that spoke volumes.
Lord, help me here. I'm such a fish out of water.
He didn't know her, but he didn't like her. She could tell.
Or was it Sophie he hadn't liked and he'd transferred those
feelings to her?
"I didn't know Sophie had a great-granddaughter," he said.
She almost sighed. No one had. Except the attorney. "That
makes two of us. I was surprised when the attorney called
two days ago to tell me she had died and I was her sole
beneficiary. I never even knew about her."
Surprised, then devastated to discover she'd had a living
relative that she'd never known about, Gillian had wished
Sophie Parker had contacted her. The attorney had no trouble
locating her. If he knew about her, Sophie must have also.
Why hadn't Sophie tried to contact her over the years?
When Joe didn't reply, the sudden silence increased her
nervousness. She glanced at Marcie and then took a deep
breath, smiling brightly, covering her feelings of
inadequacy as she had for so long. "If you're busy, maybe
you can just tell me how to get to the house. Sophie's
attorney gave me the key."
Stunned when she'd first learned of the legacy, Gillian was
now anxious to see the house. To walk through the rooms and
discover if she could learn more about this relative and
perhaps uncover the facts as to why Sophie hadn't contacted
her only great-grandchild while she'd been alive.
Maybe she'd be able to discover more information about her
own father while she was at it. Something that would help
her understand the man she hadn't seen in two decades.
"Sophie's house is next door to mine." He said, still
studying her as if he wasn't sure what to make of her. She
wondered if she had crumbs around her mouth or something.