Austin ducked his head and brushed her lips with his. “Indulge me for a minute. If you could shape-shift, turn into any animal you wanted, which one would you choose?”
“That’s easy,” Kat said, surprising him with a ready answer. “I’ve often thought it would be great fun to sprout wings and go soaring off over the rooftops.” She closed her eyes on a sigh. “There were many times during my marriage to Bryan when I would have given almost anything to disappear into the clouds.”
Austin cupped her face in his hands. “And I’d give anything if I could erase that part of your life and replace it with happy memories. I hate that he hurt you, Kat. I hate that he’s continuing to threaten and disrupt your life with his texts. I worry about what he wants with you now, and most of all I’m afraid of what he might do if you don’t comply with whatever the hell he wants. Top that off with your insistence on going home tomorrow, and I’m feeling pretty damned helpless.”
Kat stepped away from his embrace. “What would you have me do, Austin? I can’t spend the rest of my life hiding from him.” When he didn’t answer, she made an impatient gesture with her hand. “Should I dig a hole out here in the forest, cover myself with pine needles and pray to God that he never finds me?”
“I have a few thoughts on the subject,” Austin said, drilling her with his gaze. “I’m pretty sure you won’t listen to them, so I’m not going to waste my breath. Look, Kat, I know you have to do what you think is best. I respect that you have a life, responsibilities, in California. You’re an independent woman and I love that about you. I’m just…I’m just worried.”
She reached for his hand and squeezed tight. “And I love that you care enough to worry about my safety. I’m going home tomorrow, because it’s the right thing to do. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to come back. But leaving all this behind…leaving you…it’s not going to be easy.”
He dropped to his knees on the quilt, pulling her down with him. “Let me make it harder for you.” He ran his lips over her cheek, the dainty curve of her ear, down the side of her neck. He tore at her clothes, kissing, worshipping, every inch of silky skin as it was exposed.
“You’re a cruel man, you know that?” She sucked in a tight breath. “Heartless and cruel.”
“One thing you need to remember about me, Kat, when you’re miles away in California. I play to win. Always.”