June 2nd, 2024
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Kick off your summer Reads in June!

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Neighborly Secrets. Deadly Desires.

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A summer of friendship, forgiveness, and fresh starts.

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Can a desire for revenge lead to redemption? Free!

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Danger, wealth, revenge, power, and fear were all a part of his life.

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How can they stay rivals when they're falling in love?

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Wedding season includes searching for a missing bride�and a killer . . .

Serene Rishi

Serene Rishi

Serene Rishi, a pseudonym for a seasoned tech professional deeply embedded in Silicon Valley, has built an impressive career over two decades at tech behemoths like Google and Cisco, as well as at trailblazing startups. Leveraging her analytical skills and structured thinking developed in the tech world, Rishi pens meditation novels that explore the intricate dance between science and spirituality. Her narratives masterfully navigate the realm of exploring consciousness through fiction, providing a fresh perspective on finding fulfillment beyond material success.
Born into a Muslim household, educated in a Catholic school, and intertwined with a Hindu family through marriage, Rishi’s richly diverse background infuses her writing with unique insights. Her passion extends beyond the corporate sphere, delving into the depths of positive psychology, consciousness studies, and both Western and Eastern philosophies. Through her works, she skillfully incorporates ancient wisdom into modern life, inviting readers to embark on a literary journey that transcends the ordinary, fostering a deeper understanding of the self and the universe.
Rishi’s literary pursuits reflect a commitment to bridging the gap between timeless spiritual traditions and contemporary existential inquiries. Her works are not just meditation novels but journeys into the self, designed to enlighten readers about the possibilities of exploring consciousness through fiction. Each story serves as a vessel for conveying the importance of incorporating ancient wisdom into modern life, highlighting paths to finding fulfillment beyond material success. Through her compelling storytelling, Rishi invites readers to contemplate deeper truths, encouraging a shift towards a more introspective and fulfilling existence. Her narratives are a beacon for those seeking to understand the broader implications of their choices in a world rich with both technological advancement and spiritual heritage.

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To Unshakable Bliss, January 2024




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