Pat Proctor
Lieutenant Colonel Pat Proctor (US Army) is an Iraq war veteran with 17 years of service in command and staff positions from Fort Hood, Texas to Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. He spent three years training US Army officers in both conventional and counterinsurgency warfare at the National Training Center (NTC) at Fort Irwin, California. In 2007, Pat worked at the senior military headquarters in Iraq, fighting on the frontlines of the media war. During his tour, Pat was drafted to work as part of a handpicked, 20-man team which included such luminaries as Ambassador Robert Ford (then-US Ambassador to Algeria and now Deputy Chief of Mission, Baghdad), Colonel H.R. McMasters (Dereliction of Duty), and Dr. Stephen Biddle (Council on Foreign Relations). This team was commissioned by General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker to create a new strategy for the war in Iraq. Pat worked with a State Department counterpart to write the vast majority of the current strategic communication plan for the war. In 2009 he returned to Iraq, directing operations for an artillery-turned-infantry battalion in the heart of the Sunni Triangle.
Pat has written on current affairs, military history, and military simulation topics for the US Army War College journal, Parameters, the US Army Command and General Staff College journal, Military Review, the Phi Alpha Theta history honor society journal, The Historian, and consumer magazines including Armchair General and Military Simulations & Training. Pat has also published articles in the online magazines, and
Pat holds a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University. He holds a master's degree in Military Arts for Strategy from the US Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC). He also holds a master's degree in Military Arts for Theater Operations from the highly selective School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). He is currently a doctoral student in Security Studies at Kansas State University.
In addition to writing, Pat is also a prolific computer wargame developer and is very well known in the wargaming community. Shrapnel Games, Inc. publishes his six modern combat titles. Several of his titles have been licensed by corporations such as Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, Boeing, and Teknowledge for use in their own professional-grade simulations.
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Books:Task Force Patriot and the End of Combat Operations in Iraq, November 2011