Ella Barrick grew up in the South, but has since migrated West. She spent some time working for Uncle Sam and taught English at the college level before turning her hand to writing mysteries.
Ella and her husband took exactly two ballroom dancing lessons on the quickstep before Ella’s bruised ankles and crushed feet forced them to retire. (Her husband is a wonderful guy, but he doesn’t have a single ballroom dance gene in his whole body.) Thus, Ella relies on the kindness of competitive ballroom dancers and friends who foxtrot fabulously for the dance details in her Ballroom Dance Mysteries. And, of course, she watches Dancing with the Stars for costume and choreography ideas!
Besides writing, Ella enjoys reading, gardening, home decorating, traveling, and long walks or hikes.
The Homicide Hustle, April 2013 Ballroom Dance #3
Paperback / e-Book Dead Man Waltzing, June 2012 Ballroom Dance Mystery #2
Paperback / e-Book Quickstep To Murder, September 2011 A Ballroom Dance Mystery #1
Paperback / e-Book