Despite a grade school career aptitude test that indicated farming would be her best bet, Jessa always knew she wanted to be a writer. Her early works include “MY POMES,” a poetry chapbook rampant with unicorns and misspellings, and a torrid teen cowboy romance which her editor-mother asked her to revise and resubmit, changing the love scene to “soul mates.”
After close to a million final draft words and nearly triple digit rejections, she sold her first novel, an urban fantasy romance, thanks to the 2007 Rose City Romance Writers’ Golden Rose writing contest. She still pinches herself daily.
She lives in the Pacific Northwest where the potential for up to 120 days in a row of measurable precipitation keeps her at her computer (well, that and the chains). Like many writers, she lives often in her head and appreciates interaction with people whose dialogue she doesn’t have to make up and revise for clarity.