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Win an Autographed Copy of TAKING FIRE, the Newest Shadow Warrior novel from Lindsay McKenna!

March is here and that means warmer weather and chance to enjoy the sunshine! What better way to relax in the sun than with a good book from the Shadow Warriors series by Lindsay McKenna. Shadow Warriors is about women in combat beside the men they fall in love with! Enter for your chance to win an autographed copy of TAKING FIRE, book 7 in the Shadow Warrior series! And check out the previous Shadow Warrior novels and bring romance, suspense, and a little heat to your Spring.


She dances on the edge of life--and death

Not all are meant to walk in the light. Marine Corps Sergeant Khat Shinwari lives among the shadows of the rocky Afghani hills, a Shadow Warrior by name and by nature. She works alone, undercover and undetected—until a small team of US Navy SEALs are set upon by the Taliban…and Khat is forced to disobey orders to save their lives.

To go rogue.

Now, hidden deep in the hills with injured SEAL Michael Tarik in her care, Khat learns that he's more than just a sailor. In him, she sees something of herself and of what she could be. Now duty faces off against the raw, overwhelming attraction she has for Mike. And she must decide between the safety of the shadows…and risking everything by stepping into the light.



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