Fresh Contests

Cleo Coyle’s HOT for Firefighters $100 Gift Card Giveaway to celebrate the release of Roast Mortem!

To celebrate the release of Roast Mortem, Cleo Coyle’s HOT new Coffeehouse Mystery, inspired by the heroic firefighters of the FDNY, Cleo is giving away these wonderful prizes to Fresh Fiction fans...

One Winner will receive a $100 gift card to your favorite online bookstore and a signed copy of Cleo’s HOT new mystery, Roast Mortem, just released in hardcover from Berkley Prime Crime

Two Winners will recieve a “Gimme Coffee” Latte Cup and Saucer, made in Italy, and a signed hardcover copy of Roast Mortem

Three Winners will receive a signed hardcover copy of Roast Mortem

SIX Winner in all!!!

Roast Mortem
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Cleo Coyle: No mystery why I’m inspired by firefighters

In Roast Mortem, an unknown arsonist begins torching cafés around the city. When an FDNY ladder company comes to the rescue of coffeehouse manager Clare Cosi, she returns the favor by rescuing these fearless few from some seriously bad coffee. Then her new firemen friends begin dying in suspicious ways, and Clare believes their deaths are connected to the Coffee Shop Arsonist.

Unfortunately, a member of the FDNY stands in her way—a strapping, overly-flirtatious captain who clearly has something to hide. And when Clare starts digging deeper, someone threatens to extinguish her.

If you’ve never picked up a Coffeehouse Mystery, don’t let that stop you from reading Roast Mortem. You can certainly enjoy it as a stand-alone novel. If you’ve been a fan of the series, this is one you won’t want to miss. I was inspired by the real firefighters that I see almost every day in my Queens’ neighborhood. They truly are New York’s Bravest.

Read with joy,

~ Cleo

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