Fresh Contests

Robyn Carr's VIRGIN RIVER Series Contest
Fulfills a Book-Loving Shopaholic's Dream

The grand prize winner in Robyn Carr's VIRGIN RIVER series contest can purchase her favorite Robyn Carr book and then some with a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card. Three great prize winners will receive a copy of VIRGIN RIVER, SHELTER MOUNTAIN or WHISPERING ROCK from Robyn's VIRGIN RIVER series.

WANTED: Midwife/nurse practitioner in Virgin River, population six hundred. Make a difference against a backdrop of towering California redwoods and crystal-clear rivers. Rent-free cabin included.

When widowed nurse, Melinda Monroe, answers this want-ad, she has no idea that her life will change forever. Despite a nearly unlivable cabin, treacherous roads and a doctor who wants nothing to do with her, Mel finds the escape she's been longing for . . . not to mention true love with rugged outdoorsman, Jack Sheridan, and a place to finally call home.

As soon as I read the back cover of Virgin River I knew it was going to be a good book. This book is not good. It is outstanding! Beyond the Cover

Virgin River is a fabulous book that is addictive reading. Armchair Interviews

This is an emotionally charged book, and the characters leap off the pages. Holly at

Resolve to read more this year! Visit for a complete list of Robyn's books. As you make your way through Robyn's fabulous backlist of titles, join other Robyn Carr enthusiasts at Jack's Bar, the favorite hangout for fans of her VIRGIN RIVER series at

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