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Win a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate and the Dracula Rising Trilogy from author Jackson Stein!

Soak up the warm, summer sunshine while reading the Dracula Rising trilogy by Jackson Stein. These paranormal thrillers will make you wish for more daylight as you learn the untold origins of Dracula. Enter to win a $50 Amazon gift certificate and signed print copies of the Dracula Rising trilogy from Jackson Stein.


The legend of the dead forest is known only too well. It warns all to beware the moon…and of that which hunts beneath it.

But now the legend has changed. The creatures are growing bolder, venturing away from their hidden lairs and into the towns and villages. Prince Vlad decides he must take action to stop the madness before his people begin to panic.

Good is once again pitted against evil. The test of loyalty is taken to new heights as the epic adventures of Vlad and his small group of friends continues. New journeys will begin with the fate of the world teetering in the balance in the exciting sequel to DRACULA RISING.



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