Fresh Contests

Emelle Gamble supports RWA's Literacy Event! $50 gift card for you, $50 for Literacy!

Dear readers,

Come see me at RWA!

Romance Writers of America (RWA) is holding their annual convention in San Antonio, Texas this year and I am thrilled to be a part of the "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing event at the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel on July 23, 2014 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Our publishers donate books, and the authors sign for their readers. 100% of the sales goes to literacy organizations. There is no charge for readers to attend. Please come if you can! I’ll be signing copies of SECRET SISTER and MOLLY HARPER paperbacks and would love, love, love to see you in person.

Sign up for my newsletter below and I'll award a $50 gift card to one lucky reader, and donate $50 to "Readers for Life" literacy event in your name.

And if you are able to attend, come see me and I'll have a special giveaway for you if you ask for "Emelle's Fresh Fiction giveaway." See you there!



What if, in an instant, everything about you changed?

Nick & Cathy. Cathy and Roxanne. Two best friends. One husband. An extraordinary twist of fate.

To their friends, Nick and Cathy Chance have the perfect marriage. High school sweethearts who've been together for ten years, they've weathered challenges and are as committed as they were when they first fell in love. Cathy trusts Nick, Nick's world revolves around his wife, and the future looks golden.

To everyone who knows them, Cathy Chance and Roxanne Ruiz have a perfect friendship. They connected in grade school and since then have been each other's confident and trusted advisor. Cathy loves the gorgeous Roxanne like a sister, Roxanne has fun–loving Cathy's back in every situation, though lately there's been tension between these two best friends...

And then, on a sunny summer morning, the unthinkable occurs, throwing into doubt the truth of what each of these people really know about themselves and one another.




Molly Harper. Anne Sullivan. Norma Wintz. These three strong, flawed, passionate women will be forced to confront and reveal a secret that will rock each of their lives in the most intimate way.

In MOLLY HARPER, each must come to terms with the errors they’ve made in hiding behind lies when it came to their family and their loved ones. And they will each be freed from the tyranny of fear they all lived with that their secrets would be discovered.

Neither Anne, Norma or Molly emerge unscathed from these revelations. But each will learn that they can make peace with the past if they acknowledge and embrace the authentic facts of their lives. Particularly Molly, whose love for Cruz Morales has been won and lost, and once again hangs in the balance as she chooses what she wants most from her life.


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