Fresh Contests

Rebecca Heflin - Summer Reading Blowout - Win the Dreams of Perfection eBook or Audible Download of Promise of Change

In celebration of her new release, DREAMS OF PERFECTION, the book one of the Dreams Come True series. The second book, SHIP OF DREAMS, is in progress and will be released later in 2014. Rebecca is giving away an author-graphed copy of the eBook of DREAMS OF PERFECTION and a free Audible download of her book PROMISE OF CHANGE.

Dreams of Perfection - Excerpt

Promise of Change - Audio sample



What if perfection isn't truly perfect?

Best-selling romance writer, Darcy Butler, is holding out for perfection in the form of her own carefully-crafted heroes. Once blissfully engaged to be married, Darcy's post-traumatic commitment phobia is depriving her of the very thing she wants most: her very own happily-ever-after. Now, here she is just six months shy of her thirtieth birthday, and not a Prince Charming in sight.

Successful lawyer, Josh Ryan, is the boy-next-door with a soft spot for the less fortunate, and Darcy's best friend without benefits. Darcy often comes to him lamenting her love-life, or the lack thereof, whereupon Josh patiently doles out his sage advice. Problem is Josh is in love with Darcy.

But when Darcy finds herself looking into the handsome face of the man who graces the cover of her soon-to-be-released novel, she's convinced her dreams of perfection have come true. Or have they?

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