Fresh Contests

Nikki Duncan has a A Vegas Chapel Wedding Contest, Prize includes a Gift Card!

Up for grabs: $10 gift card for eBook purchases (B&N, Amazon or Samhain – winner’s choice)

However we may view weddings most all of us can see the romance of witnessing the moment when two people pledge their lives to each other. Even when the venue is possibly a Vegas chapel with the Grim Reaper cast as the minister. To celebrate this month’s release of THE BACK-UP FIANCE.

Stay tuned next month for another wedding related contest and a bigger prize.

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The wedding is planned. All he needs is a fiance.

Jilted days before his wedding, Neil Casey fears the near future. His failure to marry by week’s end will mean telling his Godson goodbye forever. It’s a loss he can’t face. And a promise he can’t break.

Delany Alexander was there the day Will was born. As unwilling as Neil to lose him to unloving grandparents an ocean away, she proposes they marry. But are these best friends marrying for the sake of a young boy... Or a wicked passion?

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