Fresh Contests

WEEKEND BLOG SPECIAL 2/1 WIN a SIGNED copy of NEMESIS from Fresh Fiction!

We went to William Bernhardt's signing at Legacy Books on Saturday and met the fascinating author talking about his research for NEMESIS, the final story of Eliot Ness. Great reading! And of course we have a signed book for a lucky Fresh Fiction Fan. Uh, that could be YOU!!!!

It's easy, either sign up below or comment on Sara or Sandi's blog this weekend and you'll be in the running!

And if you can't wait, buy NEMESIS Today

In his bestselling legal thrillers, William Bernhardt has explored the dark side of contemporary politics, power, and the law. Now Bernhardt turns back the clock to the city of Cleveland, Ohio, in the fall of 1935. Based on true events and new discoveries about Eliot Ness, NEMESIS is a brilliantly told story featuring this legendary lawman’s fateful duel with a terrifyingly new kind of criminal: America’s first serial killer.

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