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Win an autographed copy of The Angel and the Outlaw along with a $15 gift card for Barnes & Noble Bookstore from Kathryn Albright

Celebrate the marvelous month of May and get swept away with Kathryn Albright's heartwarming story of love and redemption in old San Diego!

The Angel and the Outlaw
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No one asks the dark, brooding stranger about his past. People gossip, but daren't question. He and his young daughter live alone—and that's the way Stuart Taylor wants… needs it to stay.

When the spirited new schoolteacher, Rachel Houston, is touched by Stuart's shy little girl, who's never uttered a word, everything starts to change. Stuart's surly manner doesn't worry Rachel—she can see the vulnerability hidden in the depths of his blue eyes. She's convinced there's more to the rugged, handsome stranger's story. But when the truth comes out, has Rachel the courage to stand by her man?

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