Fresh Contests

You could win a signed copy of Chris Marie Green's first vampire book THE HUNTRESS, a trade edition copy of Justin Gustainis' BLACK MAGIC WOMAN, and three delicate suncatchers.

Four more months until the September, 2008, release of BREAK OF DAWN, the third book in Chris Marie Green's Vampire Babylon series! In anticipation of the release, this month's prize will be noir-vampire related.

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Stuntwoman Dawn Madison reluctantly returned to Hollywood to find her missing father, Frank. Instead, she found something else beneath the streets of Los Angeles—a thriving society of the undead, one she could never have imagined existed. It’s an erotic and bloody night world that Dawn came to believe cost both her father and her long-dead mother—the glamorous movie star, Eva Claremont—their lives. Still, she and Frank’s friends risked everything, pressing on with the investigation.

Now a new slaying, bearing all the marks of a vampire attack, is luring Dawn farther into the underground and deeper into the twisted lives of those who inhabit it, just as her tenuous alliances in the sunlit world begin shifting ominously. It seems she has only herself to trust and her newfound skills as a hunter to rely on.

But Dawn will find that she is not alone—although some who stand with her, stand only in the shadows…

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